Lets Chat Classics

A few weeks ago I uploaded a post on my bookstagram (_reviewsbyrowan_) talking about my love for classics and so I thought I would upload a blog post and give some classic recommendations as well as ask you guys for any recommendations you have!

I am not going to say that classics have always been my favorite genre, in fact when I was studying The Great Gatsby I really disliked it at the beginning but my love for it eventually grew and classics soon became good friends of mine! From being a lover of Jane Austen, a Shakespeare fanatic and of course a lover of good old Jay Gatz I thought I would share with you my two favorite classics! I have a huge stack of classics on my bookshelf waiting to be read and I have to say, I am very excited to pick them up!

The Great Gatsby is set in the Jazz Age New York and it tells the story of a self made millionaire Jay Gatsby and his pursuit of Daisy a young, rich woman who he loved when he was in his youth. What I loved about this book is the detail the narrator Nick Carraway goes into and how each page is so mesmerizing and allows the reader to pick up on a new detail about any given character. The book itself had many life lessons implanted throughout which is why I would really recommend this book. It gives you a greater outlook on certain situations in life and also shows a clear divide between the East and West egg which in other words is the rich and the poor. If you would like to hear my more detailed thoughts on this book, check out my Great Gatsby blog post!

Okay, so this book is by far my favorite book! Little Women. I have had such a deep connection with this book. Ever since I seen the film I bought the book straight away and was inspired to start up my blog! I always felt that I connected and related to Jo March and her drive to put her writing out to everyone was my inspiration to step out of my comfort zone and finally put my own writing out there too. The book tells the story of four sisters through parties, love affairs, travelling, illness and of course as all sisters, arguments. We see them growing up in the American civil war and how they all face their different challenges. This book is also so beautifully written and is really empowering for women. If you have read this amazing classic I would love to hear your thoughts!

A book that I am currently reading is Emma by Jane Austen, I do not want to give away too much about it as I will be doing a detailed post when I have finished it but I have to say I am loving this book. It tells the story of a young girl Emma who considers herself to be a match maker but this time round, her judgement may not be correct and she may not even know her own heart. I cannot wait to finish it simply so I can share my thoughts on it but until then, I will leave you with a quote from Little Women that has always stuck with me and is also relevant to the struggles the world is being faced with ‘I am not afraid of storms for I am learning how to sail my ship”


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