Alice In Wonderland
Alice In Wonderland. A book filled with magical adventures which as children, I am sure we all longed to experience the madness, the laughter and the excitement which Alice experienced. I picked up this novel over the weekend for a short, quick read. Despite knowing the story from watching the original movie, many movie adaptions and performing it on stage I could not help but think 'what a load of nonsense'! None of it made sense when reading. Interestingly, Lewis Carroll did this on purpose and is known as 'literary nonsense'. Literary nonsense is a technique used to present language and situations that are not normal. Although the use of literary nonsense meant that Alice In Wonderland was a crazy, confusing read I still loved it.
Alice In Wonderland is typically for children however, it contains many morals and lessons that any person of any age range can still learn from. Firstly, something that I took away from this novel is that not everything will stay the same. When Alice ended up in Wonderland, she had no sense of direction and felt confused and lost. Sometimes we go through life like that. We lose control of things or we lose our way and sometimes we even feel lost. As the the covid19 pandemic lingers on over our lives many of us may feel like this at the moment. That we have no control and that life as we once knew it will never return. Alice would have felt like this too, that she would never find her way home but she does. I don't know about you but the ending of this novel and Alice being back at home reminded me to keep positive and to try to see the light at the end of the tunnel. To know that although it may not seem like it, normal life will eventually return.
It is okay to be different. It is evident that no character in this adventurous story is normal other than Alice but to those in Wonderland even she is seen as different. These strange range of characters have such a strong meaning. Not only do they show us that it is okay to be different, they also show us to accept the differences of others. This is extremely important especially for a children's book yet we can all learn from this. Maybe you have a work college, manager or teacher you may not get on with but instead of showing resentment and coldness towards them, try show them acceptance and love despite the differences the two of you may have.
Last but not least, risks can bring awards. Alice took a major risk by following a white rabbit down a rabbit hole, she even nearly lost her head from the evil Queen Of Hearts but instead she left Wonderland with a new outlook on life and with new magical experiences. Many of us, if not all of us tend to avoid risks and constantly question 'what if?'. Rather than having this negative attitude we should aim to change our mindset and start thinking about the amazing possibilities or chances we can gain from taking a risk. Go apply for that new job, go get that promotion, start up that new hobby you have been debating starting for months on end. I suppose in other words what I am trying to say is live your life. We need to stop holding back and start living life for us, life is too short to hold back. The fact Alice did not think twice about heading to Wonderland is what got me thinking about simply taking risks. As always I will end this post with an incredible quote from the incredible story 'I can't go back to yesterday because I was a different person then.'
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